The Dreamgirl Formula – Charles Black & Tim Veninga
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From the desk of Charles Black and Tim Veninga:
Here is a reality check:
Being dumped by a woman can mean the following things…
You feel humiliated (especially once you see her with another man)
Everything – energy time or else – you have ever invested into this woman will be gone.
You have to watch another man play with your kids and punish them if he feels they have been bad.
Your friends will think you are a loser for not being able to keep this woman – they won’t say it, but you will know.
I am not trying to be rough with you. But it’s true. I am not even mentioning how much money you will lose. Lawyers, therapists, alimony and all the other costs that can be a monetary – extra kick in the gut – to this emasculating event.
If you are a man that is afraid of this happening to him… I have good news for you.
In a couple of sentences from now I will teach you how to avoid having to feel the rage, sadness and pain that comes with being dumped. Ever.
Because right now I am going to give you a copy paste step-by-step formula. Just to make sure you never have to feel this again.
And in this process you will make you partner happy, proud and grateful. She will respect you admire you and be desperate to please you.
(Yes that goes for the bedroom as well, amigo)…
If That Isn’t Enough Check Out What You Will Learn As Well:
How To Train Her To Be The Perfect Girlfriend
PREVENTABLE MISTAKES In the first week I’ll show you how to avoid the common mistakes most guys make that transform their relationships into a continuous trainwreck of drama, bullshit and nagging.
SECRET MANIPULATION TACTICS Women use these to take your freedom over time. If you fall for these tactics, she is WAY more likely to lose attraction for you and cheat on you. We’ll show you how to avoid being the victim of these.
THE PIMP METHOD The exact method pimps use to make girls fall in love with them and do what they want. You can use this to train your woman to become more loving, caring, attractive and sexual.
WHAT WOMEN WANT The number 1 most important thing women want in a relationship and how to give it to her in less than 30 seconds a day.
THE FORGOTTEN COMPLIMENT TRICK A simple trick that will make sure her new life-goal is pleasuring you. Use it to make her cook for you, work out, clean the house and become sex-addicted at the same time.
How To Have Amazing Relationships Without Drama, Arguments And Bullshit
THE “TINY TABLE” CONCEPT This concept is the trigger for nasty divorces and has destroyed countless relationships. You’ll learn how to avoid this happening to you and your relationship.
4 SACRED CONFLICT PRINCIPLES We went through all the conflict advice recommended by so called “relationship experts”… but the problem is that most of it makes your arguments last 3 times longer! We distilled the things that actually work in real life into 4 ‘sacred’ principles that destroy all nagging and drama in relationships.
THE FORTUNE 500 “LISTING” TECHNIQUE This technique is used by Fortune 500 companies to appease their biggest clients when something goes wrong. Now you can use it to diffuse any argument with your woman.
THE 80/20 RULE OF ARGUMENTS Never feel disrespected, insecure or terrible anymore because you will know how to talk yourself out of any argument (even if you’ve messed up big time).
FIX ALL RELATIONSHIP PROBLEMS We’ve created lists of common relationship problems. If you have any right now, you will find an easy fix here.
How To Keep Her Happy And Loyal To You
ETHICAL BADBOY STRATEGY You will have to find a balance between being a nice guy in the relationship while getting treated like the “bad boy” that makes women so wet and attracted.
12 STEP LOYALTY CHECKLIST Use these 12 steps to keep her happy and loyal and remain in absolute control of all your relationships 24 hours a day, 7 nights a week.
SLAY THE DEMANDING DRAGON How to prevent women from becoming spoiled, entitled brats, while still having them feel like you give them everything. Instead of a demanding dragon, you will turn her into a loving, sexual freak, dedicated to pleasing you.
THE PURE MAGIC OF THE “NOTEPAD TRICK” This will cause your woman to trust you more than any man she’s ever been with (even if you’ve messed up in the past).
LONG DISTANCE RELATIONSHIPS Discover how to succesfully have a long distance relationship and prevent the common mistakes most couples make.
How To Make Your Kinky Fantasies Real
FEMALE SEXUAL PSYCHOLOGY Women can’t see ahead in the bedroom. So they think what they like now is what they always are going to like. But there’s a way to get her to crave the next thing on your sex bucket list like a meth addict.
ANAL ADDICTION You will learn how to literally make any sex act the most romantic thing ever (Yes, really anything. Even anal fisting).
THE PORNHUB CHALLENGE By the end of this course, you will be able to go to Pornhub and select any video and have a clear strategy of how to get your woman to do it.
DEAD BEDROOM ANTIDOTE With the Dreamgirl Formula you will easily be able to prevent any dead bedroom from ever occurring, but if you’re in one now you’ll discover the most powerful known cure for it.
NURTURE HER WILD SIDE You’ll learn 4 phrases you can steal and repeat to nurture her wild side and mould her into a woman that would make pornstars blush.
STEP-BY-STEP THREESOMES Follow this simple step-by-step guide to get even the most innocent woman excited about threesomes.
OPEN RELATIONSHIPS 101 Of course you don’t have to get an open relationship, but if you would like it, here’s how you will get your woman excited about the thought of you sleeping with other women (even if she hates the idea of it now).
Before you get started with the Dreamgirl Formula, here’s what you should know
This Course Is NOT…
A feel good Oprah style course to “bring the passion back in your relationship”
I do not mention once that you should appreciate each other or repeat over and over that communication is important.
This course starts with the premise that you are NOT a dumb guy. So therefore you won’t be fooled by an intellectual lightweight speaking non-sensical platitudes designed to make you feel better.
A politically correct course catered to snowflakes
I am glad you retweeted the #metoo tweets. You have proved your moral superiority to the world. But can you drop the act for the duration of this course? Because I tell you the truth. As pretty and as ugly as it is. Even if it means these truths are inconvenient or harsh sounding. Men and women are not the same. We could never fix your relationship by believing what the false prophets are trying to make you believe about men and women these days.
For unmotivated guys
If you are not willing to spend time, money and effort to create the elite type of relationship you have always dreamed of… Please do not waste your time – or even worse – mine.
I like to work with intelligent men that have a vision for their relationship and the willingness to work on making that a reality.
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