James Marshall – The Five Principles 2024 (Gold)
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Proof of the course:
Unleash your Inner Natural
With the Five Principles of Natural Seduction in a proven 6-week course
- Even if you’ve struggled with approach anxiety
- Even if you’ve never been ‘good’ with women
- Even if you always struggled with social fear
Get the women you want in your life
This comprehensive home study course will give you the proven know-how and action steps to consistently get the women you want into your life, without weird pick up techniques.
This is the 5 Principles of Natural Seduction: Legacy Edition
I locked myself in the studio and recorded hours of brand new and deeper modules on the 5 principles. Taking them from being a highly effective roadmap to navigating attraction, flirting, creating connections and getting sexual with women; into more holistic lifetime principles for masculine success.
In this edition you’ll receive completely new redux lectures on each of the principles, alongside the originals, where I’ll show you how to use the principles to not just get the girl but to keep her, create intimate exciting relationships and also how to use the principles as a guideline for your own personal masculine journey.
Learn how the principles and frameworks relate to your sense of worthiness, confidence and your essence as a sexually powerful man.
You can be confident that you’re learning the most groundbreaking advances in the art of seduction, with me as your personal mentor and the support of a worldwide brotherhood.
It works like this
- Each week, you’ll receive a new module to watch via a private membership site.
- In the module, you’ll have a theory section on the principle, where I break down in depth and within easily applicable frameworks how the principles work.
- Then action steps and daily missions designed to gradually take you out of your comfort zone into enjoying social freedom, meeting and connecting effectively with women, as well as reaching balance, inner calm and confidence through personal change and meditation methods
- Alongside the primary course you’ll get a huge library of exclusive bonus material, breaking open the vault on TNL prestige information.
- You’ll also join a private Facebook group where you’ll have a community of like-minded guys to mastermind with, where I will daily motivate and mentor you and where you can ask any questions you have related to the course.
- I’ll personally host 5 webinars where you can pick my brain, go through nuances of the course lessons, get motivation, refinement and accountability from me and the group.
- At the end of the 6 weeks training you’ll receive the Legacy Edition updated modules to deepen and consolidate your progress.
Here’s a brief overview of how the 5 Principles work and what I’ll teach you in the course:
- Awareness
Awareness is the bedrock of seductive success: without it, you can’t be natural with a woman.
You won’t be able to notice the subtleties of an interaction, or pick up the hints she gives you, and things will go South quickly. You’ll be in your head, trying to work out what to do, instead of sinking into the present moment and allowing yourself to feel what to do. Lack of awareness causes stress and anxiety, the number one symptom that prevents most men from taking consistent action.
But there’s a lot of confusion on what awareness actually is.
You won’t be able to notice the subtleties of an interaction, or pick up the hints she gives you, or now how to read the vibe and know whether you should accelerate the sexual escalation or hang back and chill to let things simmer.
You’ll be in your head, trying to work out what to do, instead of sinking into the present moment and allowing yourself to feel what to do. Lack of awareness causes stress and anxiety, over analysis about what to say – There’s are the primary symptoms that prevents most men from taking consistent action.
But there’s a lot of confusion on what awareness actually is.
Is it reading the Power of Now? Is it spending hours meditating in the lotus posture?
There’s not really any rational step-by-step explanations on how to achieve awareness on the Internet.
The hidden gems and real teachers are hard to find, especially when you don’t know what you’re looking for. I’ve made it easy for you, condensing my years of travelling and seeking out the best masters, taking out all the unnecessary ritual and spiritual mumbo jumbo and putting only the most practical methods into this course. In the Legacy edition, I’ve added brand new guided video and audio meditation sequences for you to practice with.
What you will learn in this module
- A simple exercise to do everyday to develop daily mindfulness. If you’ve ever procrastinated with meditation practice, this is a no-fuss, no mess way of building your mindfulness habit.
- The two kinds of awareness and why you need to understand both of them. If you don’t know this framework of awareness, you’ll always have trouble having a clear mind. And so much more…
- How to use awareness to have smooth, calibrated openers with women on the street. You’ll notice that me and my coaches rarely have harsh blowouts, and that most women are open to talking from the start. I’ll show you the secret exercise we use to do that.
- The simple solution to complete relaxation in front of a beautiful women. Men tend to freak out at the sign of a hot chick. Breasts, hair, legs = tensed, uncomfortable, and generally scaring her off. But if you’re relaxed, she’s more likely to be open to meeting you.
2. Intent
Intent is the fuel, the fire behind seduction. In a nutshell, intent is the ability to focus your desire, will and whole being to deliver a clear masculine impact & message to women. Ever run out of things to say, or go on pleasant dates that go nowhere? That’s because your intent isn’t clear to you and certainly not to her.
Without it, you’ll be stuck in the friend zone forever.
Without it, she won’t know what you want, and she won’t know what to give you.
Without knowing and transmitting your intent you will have many moments in your life that need you to take bold action and you’ll miss the shot. That means; not having hot sex when you could have, missing the love of your life because she didn’t feel your desire or trust you as a decisive man.
What you will learn in this module
- The intention to have when you approach to have zero approach anxiety.
- 3 steps to project a clear, powerful intent that grabs her attention and piques her sexual curiosity. This can even be done just by looking into her eyes, without saying a single word.
- How to blaze sexual intent in a respectful manner that sets you apart from the bland predictable nice guys and the sleazy ones, and instead has her classify you as a potential lover.
- Why some guys don’t ever get results in seduction even after years of approaching women.
- 1 exercise for better posture, confidence and intent that you can do just walking down the street.
3. Emotional Impact
What separates a Natural from the average Joe is his ability to create a deep, lasting emotional impact on a woman. She needs to feel like you are right for her emotionally, not be convinced logically. Women decide to sleep with a man for only one reason… because it feels right.
If you can’t do this, it doesn’t matter how many women you approach, or how hard you try: you’ll never get the results you want.
What you will learn in this module
- How to align the 3 levels of communication so that she’s left wanting to see you again.
- Why it doesn’t matter how long you talk to a woman, it matters how intense the time is. I’ll show you how to use emotional impact to turn everyday approaches into potential love affairs in minutes.
- The simple GSPR framework that reveals her motivations and desires. Ever gotten stuck on asking boring questions and having awkward replies? This framework of conversation removes all that stress.
4. Pressure & Release
This is the principle that ties everything together. All great seducers have the ability to create, hold and release pressure with women. On the surface that may sound like being rude or abrasive but this principle leads to deep human truths that most nice guys are completely unaware of.
Whether it’s conversational pressure, emotional pressure or sexual pressure, most men squirm at the thought of putting pressure on women. What if she feels uncomfortable? What if she thinks I’m not a polite gentleman?
The reality is, pressure exists no matter what. Many people retreat from it, which means new situations like meeting a hot girl will cripple a guy, leading him to choose inaction over following his desire. Social pressure is natural and positive when you know how to navigate and sit within it. When you put the right kind of pressure onto a woman, that’s when she starts investing into seducing YOU. That’s when she feels the “spark” or chemistry that means she will more likely emotionally get lost in the ride. And if you can’t hold the pressure when things start getting flirtatious and sexual, she’ll see you can’t handle her sexuality and lose interest.
What you will learn in this module
- How to turn awkward pauses into sexual tension. If you’re a shy, introverted guy, this will have women giggling and opening up about themselves in conversation.
- The simple QCQ framework that applies pressure and challenges her to fully engage with you and invest in the interaction. This powerful technique flips the typical power dynamic between men and women on it’s head so that she chases you.
- How to drastically reduce your flake rate and get consistent, solid numbers.
- How to become comfortable and spontaneous in pressurised situations, meaning your comfort zone gets blasted open and new opportunities in all areas don’t daunt you anymore.
5. Decisiveness
Decisiveness is the final principle.
It’s the man’s job to pull the trigger, and if he doesn’t, nothing happens. She’s not going to do it for you. For better or worse, it’s your job to make ALL the important moves in a seduction.
A woman’s role in seduction is to open opportunities and leave doors open – you’re the one who must lead the seduction. Decisiveness is one of the most attractive traits a man can possess, yet getting the correct balance between knowing when and how to lead and when you’re being pushy is a delicate act. In this module you’ll learn exactly how.
What you will learn in this module
- How to spot easy opportunities with women most men miss out on.
- Why most men are the ones that often miss key moments to escalate (rather than the woman resisting your advances) and what to do in those crucial moments.
- Why you can’t wait for expressed verbal permission from a woman to physically escalate and the #1 mindset to have when it comes to pulling the trigger.
- What women actually want when it comes to you knowing what you want, escalating, leading and making the moves that get her addicted to your masculine power.
Sales Page:_https://thenaturallifestyles.com/five-principles-legacy-edition-is-open/