Charles Black – Dirty Talk Confidence
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How “Dirty Talk” Can Make ANY Woman Mentally Addicted To Having Sex With You!
Say the RIGHT words and she’ll be BEGGING you to fuck her night and day… while you’re giving her the strongest orgasms of her entire life!
Hey, it’s Charles…
Take a look at the image below, it shows a woman’s brain before and after orgasm.
Notice how the photo on the left is filled with cold, un-emotive colors?
Blue… Grey… Black…
Then look at the photo on the right.
That’s a woman’s brain 30 minutes after coming…
You see how it’s all “lit up” with warm colors – red, yellow, and orange…?
Well, what you’re looking at right now is a woman getting her “high”.
You see, women are biologically attracted to ONE thing more than anything else in a relationship…
Mind-Blowing, Overwhelming,
Breathtaking Sex.
Their brains release a TON of special chemicals during orgasm…
And unlike with us guys, these chemicals ‘stick around’ in her brain, for days, and weeks to come.
They directly affect her ability to control and process fear… anxiety… trust… sexual attraction… and rationale…
And while she’s not consciously aware of them…
If her brain doesn’t regularly receive this ‘injection of chemicals’… through her sexual experiences with you…
She’ll find someone who CAN give her the ‘high’ she needs.
It doesn’t matter if she’s the kindest woman you’ve ever met…
Or if she’s ‘not the cheating type’…
If You’re Not Giving Her This ‘High’, On A Regular Basis… Sooner Or Later, She’ll Find A Guy Who Can.
Here’s the GOOD news…
For women, sex is 90% psychological…
So when you know how to trigger this ‘chemical cocktail’, she’ll crave your cock, and ONLY your cock, like a junkie craves heroin…
And when you start giving her these earth-shattering orgasmic experiences, you’ll make her CRAVE you… become sexually addicted to you.
She’ll want sex with you whenever she’s with you…
She’ll beg YOU for wild, kinky, steamy sex… every single day…
And she’ll never even THINK about other guys.
It doesn’t matter what you look like…
How big your cock is…
Whether you’re good – or bad – in bed…
With The RIGHT Words And Phrases She’ll Worship The Ground You Walk On…
Doing anything she can to keep you happy…
Dropping to her knees at a moment’s notice to slide your cock down her throat…
And she’ll BEG you… literally beg you…
To fuck her tight, wet pussy every single day.
Giving a woman this “high” is EASY…
When you know how…
And it’s all to do with psychologically stimulating women using “dirty talk”
Here’s Why…
Anyone can make a woman wet and horny…
Just rubbing outside her panties is enough to get most girls going…
But to trigger this powerful “high”…?
There’s a LOT more than just ‘being good with your fingers’…
And the sexual confidence you emit in your voice is key to ‘igniting’ this reaction in her brain.
Only a tiny fraction of guys actually know how to use their voice to stimulate their woman and turn her on in bed every single time…
And it’s THESE GUYS who have the types of relationship every man wants…
Relationships where having sex is a “when” question, not “if”…
Relationships where she’s totally and utterly committed to YOU…
And relationships full of passionate, sensual, kinky sex…
Where your every need is met…
… WITHOUT you ever having to ask. (She’ll be DESPERATE to get your cock in her mouth when you give her this “high”).
Once You Really Know How to Stimulate Women on a Psychological Level…
You will be living with your very own nymphomaniac…
Her going out of her way to pleasure you sexually…
And doing anything… and I mean anything… you want.
You can even use this on one-night-stands to create a sexual attraction so strong, she’ll beg, plead, and grovel for you to fuck her just ‘one last time’…
And while it may all sound too good to be true…
Stick with me on this page and I’m going to reveal exactly how you can psychologically stimulate women beyond belief…
Make Them Crave You Day And Night…
And make them sexually addicted to you…
Using powerful, PROVEN words, phrases… dirty talk.
You can use these phrases with a woman you’re already with, if your relationship’s ‘fizzled out’, and become more of a friendship than something sexual…
Or you can use it to make hot, beautiful women sexually addicted to you from the first time you meet…
Whatever you want – project true sexual confidence when you talk – and you’ll pleasure women sexually in ways they’ve NEVER experienced before.
Before we get started though…
I Should Warn You…
I’m not kidding around…
This stuff is based on real, psychological and CHEMICAL science.
Using the right psychological language you can make virtually ANY woman “sexually addicted to you”…
And if you’re not prepared for women to be BEGGING you – literally – to fuck them, for hours on end…
Then hover your mouse over that “X” in the top corner of your Internet Browser, and click away.
This won’t be for you.
I was super-hesitant about making all this information available online…
Because now, anyone can access it.
And frankly, if an abusive, or overly-controlling guy discovered these techniques, he could do a LOT of damage to an innocent woman’s life…
The secrets I’m about to share with you, are ONLY for men who want to enjoy healthy, mutually incredible sexual relationships with women.
Whether you want to use these secrets to enjoy hot, passionate one-night stands, or to make the woman you love the most satisfied woman on earth…
Well, that’s up to you… but…
This Is Not About Lying To Women Or Manipulating Them.
Some guys have used the secrets I’m about to share with you to trigger complete sexual addiction in women they’re sleeping with…
And trust me; you don’t want a stalker.
So, if you can promise ME – and more importantly yourself – that you’ll use these techniques ethically…
Then make sure you read this page in FULL to discover how to make ANY woman addicted to you – sexually.
Now, before we go any further, I want to introduce myself properly…
And share my humiliating, yet life-changing story of how I got into this whole psychological female orgasm stuff in the first place.
As I mentioned earlier, my name’s Charles…
And a few years ago I was hooking up with this girl I’d started seeing.
We were at my place one night… things were getting steamy…
And that’s when she said it…
“What You Want to Do to Me?”
It caught me off guard…
She asked me again…
“What do you want to do to me?”
She had this smile on her face… this sexy look…
And it was obvious she couldn’t WAIT for me to tell her all the dirty, naughty stuff I was gonna do to her…
But I “froze”.
I didn’t know what to say…
My mouth went dry… my mind was racing…
And like some horny teenage boy, I blurted out…
“I wanna fuck your pussy so fucking hard”.
We both froze…
Her face went from this sex-crazed, gorgeous woman… practically BEGGING me to spread her cheeks and start fucking her…
To a stone pillar…
With a look of pure disgust in her eyes.
I’ve never felt so ashamed…
That look she gave me…
It was clear I’d COMPLETELY killed the vibe…
I mean…
Her Pussy Dried Up Instantly…
I was just sat there… no idea what to do next…
And before I knew it she’d started getting her clothes on…
Unable to even look me in the eyes.
Five minutes later she’d left.
I didn’t have a clue what I’d done wrong…
I spent all night replaying that moment over and over again.
Didn’t she want me to fuck her? Isn’t that why she asked me what I wanted to do to her?
The days after she was distant…
Taking hours to reply to my messages…
And it felt like she was making excuses to avoid seeing me again.
Then… about a week later…
She Broke Up With Me…
Completely out the blue.
She didn’t say why…
But I knew it was because of what I’d said.
I felt ashamed…
And for the next few months I couldn’t stop thinking about it…
What did I do wrong…
What should I have said to her?
It wasn’t until I met a 5’3” brunette called Chloe from a small town outside of Paris that I found the answer I was looking for.
Because, there, in front of me in a doggie position…
Making a “perfect curve” with her back…
Featuring her round, cellulite-free ass…
Her “body language” seductively whispering:
“Come here, I’m yours!”
What made Chloe unique and “unforgettable” to this day, was the way she started talking to me…
…while I was penetrating her.
“Don’t You Want To Slap My Ass Harder, Charles?” She Said In Her Thick French Accent
This was my first introduction to Chloe’s secret language.
Without saying a word, I slapped her ass harder.
“YES” she moaned…
BEGGING me to shove my cock deeper inside her, slapping her ass and pushing her head down on the bed…
It was hot… kinky…
Probably the best sex of my life…
And that was just the beginning, things just got wilder and wilder from there..
Still, to this day, she’s probably the best “dirty talker” I’ve been with.
But what made her so good?
And why did it feel so great when I was fucking her?
It All Comes Down to EMOTION…
Because… for women…
Sex is a LOT more about the emotional, psychological connection than it is the act itself.
They want to visualize everything in vivid detail…
They want to picture you dominating them… knowing you’re capable of doing as you say…
And it’s why erotic books are read by millions of women every single year.
In fact…
In the UK alone an erotic novel was sold every 2 seconds last year…
It’s the best-selling book category… BY FAR……
And In The United States Erotic Books Are Worth A Staggering $1.4 Billion Every Year…
Because for women, reading and hearing that kind of stuff turns them on.
It gets them going…
And there’s a TON of studies backing this up.
One research team discovered that when women fantasize frequently…
Like when they read romance novels…
They have sex WAY more often…
They have more fun in bed…
Engage in a wider variety of erotic activities…
And… get this…
When YOU Are the One to Put These Thoughts and Images Into Her Mind…
It’s like they’re given a hit of crack cocaine.
They become ADDICTED to how it feels…
More sexually-charged and turned on than EVER.
You remember that image I showed you earlier… the woman’s brain before and after orgasm?
There’s been a TON of research done on this…
With journals and magazines like Medical Daily publishing their discoveries…
And what’s been discovered is that the intensity, the pleasure-factor, and the strength of a woman’s orgasm changes with – get this – the words she hears during sex.
That’s right…
The words and phrases you SAY to a woman you’re fucking have a MAJOR impact on how much she enjoys fucking you…
And the study revealed that there’s a DIRECT LINK between what you say to a women before, during and after sex…
… and the intensity of how ATTRACTED she is to you.
Say The Right Things To A Woman…
Be confident when saying them…
Say them in the right WAY…
And she will be powerless to resist, she will crave you…
You know what’s funny though?
You’ve got to get it exactly right…
Be too graphic – like me…
And you’ll turn women off…
Be too tame…
She’ll think you’re a pussy… a pussy that’s unable to satisfy her every sexual desire…
And nothing dries a woman up faster than THAT!
But get it right…
And you’ll make any woman you use these techniques on DEVOTED to you… desperate to fuck you 24/7…
And you’ll be giving her the best, most intense orgasmic sex of her entire life.
These Subconscious Responses Are Literally Written Into Her DNA…
And look… see it for yourself…
Daryl Cioffi, sex neuroscyhology researcher at Polarsis Counselling & Counsultating says…
“People very much enjoy dirty talking because it activates all regions of your brain while your body is also getting stimulated.”
And there’s tons of studies backing this up…
And now…
There’s undeniable proof that increased “dirty talk” leads to better orgasms… and higher levels of attraction!
Luckily for me… (in the pursuit of turning me into her sex toy…)
Chloe Unknowingly Started Teaching Me More and More.
I would innocently question her about specific words and phrases.
And I slowly learned how to craft sentences, stories and fantasies that stimulated and titillated her into submitting to my deepest, darkest fantasies.
After a few months, a lot of wine, many orgasms and a little British charm, I got her to reveal EVERYTHING.
I frantically typed away, trying to make sense of everything through her thick French accent.
I then took what Chloe taught me, this “secret language”, and tested it on the other girls I was sleeping with…. And…
The Results Were Astonishing!
Using this “secret language” system I was able to unleash the inner slut of any and every woman — easier than ever before…
I couldn’t have ‘one-night-stands’ anymore without women blowing up my phone all the time afterwards asking me for more.
Of course , it wasn’t long before other guys started asking me how I was getting these hot, beautiful women infatuated with me…
(Remember, I’m just an average-looking guy… I don’t have a ton of money… I don’t have a fancy car… nothing like that…)
So, I decided to reveal all the techniques I’d been using to give women the most explosive, screaming, body-quaking orgasms of their lives…
And guys were loving it.
I called it Dirty Talk Mastery…
Here… see what people said about it for yourself
Thing is…
As I started getting more and more reviews… I realized something.
The POSITIVES were different for everyone.
Guys had made their woman become more open to their wildest fantasies…
“Dead bedrooms” completely re-ignited… with many guys I heard from telling me their woman was “ready for sex 24/7”…
And guys were finding it easier to make women come than EVER…
But the NEGATIVE feedback I was getting… well, it was all the same.
The same ONE criticism… time and time again…
I’d created this incredible piece of content…
Content that many guys were SUCCESSFULLY using to effortlessly unlock the “inner slut” in any woman and give them the most intense sexual pleasure of their lives…
But… the Book Was Lacking ONE Crucial Element…
An element which would bring it ALL together… and make it work for ANY man wanting to have ultimate sexual control over any woman he slept with.
Wanna know what that crucial element was?
Dirty Talk Mastery was a course all about talking dirty…
But… it didn’t have any actual talking inside.
Sure… I was showing guys what to say to their woman… and when…
But I wasn’t showing them how to do it.
One guy who emailed in had me think of it this way…
Imagine if you’re learning a new language.
Sure, you can pick up a dictionary… learn every new word there is to learn…
But if you don’t know how to pronounce the accents… where the word placement differs… what the “nuances” are, if you like…
Well, sure – you may be able to grab the basics…
But you’re not gonna be fluent…
You’re not gonna be able to hold a conversation down with a local…
And you’re not going to be able to speak the language with total confidence, are you?
I realized…
Dirty Talk is a Language…
And while Dirty Talk Mastery showed you what to say…
It didn’t include any audio…
So many guys didn’t know how to USE the information properly…
They didn’t know how to truly internalize it…
And they didn’t know how to actually deliver it to their woman to flood her brain with all of those feel-good chemicals that unleash the hidden nymphomaniac that has her
CRAVING sex with you – and you ONLY…
Day and night.
I realize that if I wanted this to be something ALL guys could use to unleash the sexual beast inside the women THEY’RE with…
If I wanted ANY man to be able to give their woman the best, most-sensual sex of their entire lives…
And if I wanted to help men like you unlock YOUR woman’s inner slut… become 100% willing to try out all your wildest fantasies… and come on COMMAND using just your voice…
I needed to show guys how to actually USE and IMPLEMENT this stuff.
I Went Right Back to the Drawing Board…
And started from scratch.
I went through Dirty Talk Mastery… sentence by sentence…
And recorded it…
So guys like you can see the EXACT DELIVERY of all of this…
The speed… the cadence… the tone…
I recorded the ENTIRE program…
So you can learn EXACTLY how to get your woman wet without touching her…
Using nothing but the sound of your voice.
It took me weeks to record everything…
But at the end I had HOURS of video and audio recordings revealing HOW to use dirty talk with women.
I decided to call it Dirty Talk Confidence…
And here’s what guys I shared it with had to say about it…
Dirty Talk Confidence is completely different to Dirty Talk Mastery…
Because not only does it show you what to say…
But it teaches you HOW to say it… what tone of voice to use… how to actually deliver it…
And you’ll be able to hear me saying everything MYSELF…
So you know exactly how to deliver these powerful words and phrases to YOUR woman…
And be able to instantly and effortlessly have her come on command… BEG and PLEAD with you to treat her like your little slut…
And make her incessantly loyal to you… heck, she won’t even think about other men when you start using this kind of stuff.
Dirty Talk Confidence is a multi-module program that reveals EVERYTHING you need to know about talking dirty with women…
You’ll Get Instant Access To SPECIFIC Words, Phrases and Sentences…
Step-by-step guidance revealing powerful techniques to make ANY woman sexually crave your body…
All delivered through powerful audio and video recordings… so you know exactly HOW to say all of this stuff to the women you’re sleeping with.
Using the secrets inside Dirty Talk Confidence you’ll be able to pleasure women beyond their wildest dreams…
Because this “secret language”…
When used CORRECTLY…
Completely Bypasses The Logical Part Of Any Woman’s Brain… Talks Directly To Her “Emotional Centre”…
And floods her brain with feel good chemicals like dopamine…
She’ll CRAVE every inch of your body…
Worship the ground you walk on…
And you’ll EFFORTLESSLY bring out her inner slut… have her “diving head first” into all the most outrageous sexual taboos she once avoided…
Using nothing but your voice.
Here’s a “Sneak Peek” at What’s Inside Dirty Talk Confidence…
- Lifetime Access To Audio and Video Recordings Of More Than 363 PROVEN Bedroom-Tested “Dirty Talk Phrases”… use these phrases whenever YOU want sex… and make almost ANY woman desperate to have your cock inside her… any time, anywhere you want…
- Your Most Powerful Tool In The Bedroom For Giving Her Long, Spine-Tingling Orgasms! (No, it’s not what you think… and you’ll probably be surprised when you see how WELL this works…)
- Are you unknowingly crippling your woman’s ability to enjoy mind-blowing orgasmic pleasure? Gives her oragsms lasting up to 90 seconds using THIS powerful “dirty talk trick…)
- How to make your woman visualize you as immensely confident… (and see you as a dominant, sexual “Alpha Male” kind of guy she’s HARD WIRED to want to have sex with… using the #1 principle of dirty talk… even if you’re normally a shy, timid introvert or find the idea of dirty talk cringey…
- How to use “softener words” to sugar coat your dirty sentences… it sounds crazy but use THESE WORDS when you’re talking dirty and you’ll instantly create the most intense sexual connection you’ve ever felt… without being over the top or too intense… and even when you’re saying the nastiest, filthiest things…
- How to use 19 lines to subtly bring dirty talk into the bedroom… WITHOUT making her uncomfortable or offending her! (Use these lines at the right time and she’ll become obsessed with having sex with you…and you’ll turn her on with just the SOUND of your voice…
- An EASY yet POWERFUL method to make her act like a complete whore… while feeling like a princess! Get this right and you’ll effortlessly open the flood gates to a never-ending stream of guilt-free pleasure…
- 6 powerful “signals” you can use to make ANY woman see you as a confident, sexually dominant male… even if you’ve tried dirty talk in the past and sucked at it…
- The ONE SENTANCE that absolutely destroys most guys’ chances of giving women nail-biting orgasms… and what you should say INSTEAD with your woman that’ll have her begging for sex… all night long…
- My favorite “secret weapon” you can use to turn any woman into a horny, slutty nymphomaniac… using just the sound of your voice…
- A weird “language pattern trick” that instantly unlocks her “inner slut”… even if she seems like the most conservative, “girl next door” woman you’ve ever been with…
- 37 “Orgasm-Inducing Phrases” For Beginners: INSTANTLY get women “in the mood” and have them craving your cock using these 37 phrases… and I’ll even share the BEST way to use them to get what you want in the bedroom… WHENEVER you want it…
- A Powerful “4-Step Formula” that lets you control your voice, remain calm and be 100% confident when you’re talking dirty to her…
- An incredible “sentence” based on PROVEN sexual psychology that instantly fills her brain with “feel-good-chemicals” and gives her the best orgasms she’s ever experienced…
- The Two Words You Must NEVER Say To Her Face… but, when TEXTED to her, will help you experience one of the wildest, KINKIEST fantasies you could ever imagine…
And much, MUCH more!
That’s just a fraction of what’s inside Dirty Talk Confidence…
And whether you want to make your girlfriend or wife become a dirty little whore in the bedroom… willing to do ANYTHING you want (and thank you for it after…)
If you want to STOP chasing women… “forcing” them into pursuing YOU… (you’ll be giving her the best sexual pleasure of her life… she’ll feel like she has no CHOICE…)
If you want to reignite a dead bedroom situation… put that sexual spark back into your relationship… and make SURE she doesn’t leave you for someone who can satisfy her…
Dirty Talk Confidence is designed for you…
And I’m not kidding around when I tell you the stuff I reveal inside has changed men’s lives… saved relationships… and given guys like you the power to make women come on command.
Sounds great, doesn’t it?
Which is why you’re probably wondering how much Dirty Talk Confidence is gonna cost you.
More on that in a sec…
(And I guarantee it’ll be a LOT less than you’re expecting…)
But first…
Let Me Ask You Something.
What price would YOU put on being able to give women mind-blowing orgasms using WORDS… every single time?
What would it be worth to YOU if you could make your woman sexually addicted to you… DESPERATELY wanting you to bend her over and fuck her every single day like your personal little slut… using well-timed words and phrases?
And what would it be worth to YOU if you could get her to act out her deepest, darkest… KINKIEST fantasies… and do ANYTHING you want…
Using just the power of your voice.
I mean, I know guys who’d pay thousands of dollars to be able to make their woman come harder than she’s ever come before day after day…
And when you consider the alternatives… well, you can’t blame them.
Trust me…
If you’re not coming home to her each day, bending her over the kitchen counter and giving her the most intense, mind-blowing orgasms of her life…
And that’s not me trying to scare you.
You’d Be Amazed Just How Sexual Women Really Are…
They CRAVE a man who dominates them sexually…
And if you want to completely AVOID the fear of her cheating…
If you want to avoid her laughing you out the bedroom when you do the wrong thing… or SAY the wrong thing…
And if you want to save yourself from the humiliation of not satisfying her… (forcing her to find another man who CAN…)
You’ll start realizing why this kind of stuff is worth thousands of dollars to many guys.
Believe ME…
Nothing Compares to the Shame… the Humiliation… and the Frustration, the Loneliness, and the Fear That Takes Over You When You’re Not Sexually Satisfying Your Woman.
Always worrying she’s got her eye on other guys…
Never knowing if she’s truly happy… whether she’s “faking it” every time in bed…
Whether she’ll leave you at a moment’s notice… (or be screwing some other guy any chance she gets…)
Or if she thinks you’re some cuck in the bedroom who’s never gonna be able to sexually satisfy her…
That kinda stuff SUCKS…
And it’s a very real possibility if you’re not satisfying women in bed the RIGHT way.
When you use dirty talk correctly… and deliver it how it NEEDS to be delivered…
You WILL create that deep psychological connection that floods her brains with chemicals…
Makes Her Completely Mad About Having Sex With You…And Only You…
And has her grovelling and pleading with you to fuck her every single day…
Using JUST the power of your voice…
But you’ve gotta know what to say… when to say it… and HOW.
That’s why, frankly, I think even $5,000 is a steal…
But the good news – for you – is that you’re not going to pay $5,000.
Shit, you’re gonna pay nowhere near that…
Because I know what it’s like to get cheated on.
I know what it’s like to be paranoid round the clock you’re not doing enough in the bedroom…
Wondering if you’re the laughing stock of her friend group…
And not knowing whether she’s left disappointed, frustrated – and pissed off every time you have sex.
I don’t want you to go through all of that like I did…
Which is why… for today only…
You can get instant access to the whole Dirty Talk Confidence course…
And as SOON as you start using these words, phrases… psychological “tricks”…
You’ll make SURE you’re giving your woman the sexual satisfaction she needs…
Making her come “On Command”… using nothing but your voice…
And give her the most intense sexual pleasure of her entire life…
Ensuring she wants your cock and YOUR COCK ONLY…
And it’s easy to get started; just hit the “Add to Cart” button to get instant access.
But maybe you’re sitting here on the fence…
And you’re maybe thinking this all sounds a little too good to be true?
Well, I want to prove to you how confident I am, in Dirty Talk Confidence.
See, what’s inside is insanely powerful…
And I KNOW it’s going to allow YOU to enjoy the best, most intense, sexual sessions with women…
From today…
Which is why I’m going to do what I do with all my products to prove how confident I am of them…
And back-up your purchase today with my…
90-Day No-Questions-Asked, 100% Money-Back Guarantee.
You can get access to the Dirty Talk Confidence program today…
And use the secrets inside…
Absolutely risk free, for a full 90 days.
If you don’t find yourself life RAPIDLY improving… to the point she’s wanting sex more than you…
If you don’t find yourself able to pleasure your woman in ways she NEVER imagined… using NOTHING but your voice…
And if you don’t feel your girlfriend, wife or latest hookup becomming almost ADDICTED to having sex with you… initiaing it herself, sending you dirty text messages at work and BEGGING you to dominate her in the bedroom… every single day…
Then you just tell me.
I’ll promptly refund you every cent you paid…
No questions asked…
And it really is that simple.
No hidden catches…
No gimmicks…
No ‘hidden terms and conditions’…
If you’re not absolutely happy, you get back every cent you paid.
And that’s a promise.
Just click the “YES! Add to Cart” button you see below!
As soon as your order is processed, you’ll receive instant access to Dirty Talk Confidence…
And then it’s time to start using this “secret language” for yourself.
It’s time to make SURE your woman doesn’t start looking elsewhere for the sexual pleasure she so desperately craves.
It’s time to make YOUR woman become fully open to YOUR wildest fantasies… and be willing to try – and DO – anything you want…
And it’s time to put the sexual spark back into YOUR bedroom… by giving your woman the best, most intense sexual pleasure of her entire life.
But that’s not all you’re getting today…
Because by ordering today, you’re also getting two bonus ‘gifts’ absolutely free.
Let me show you exactly what I’m going to give you…
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