Adam Vance – Stamina Coach Adam Vance – Stamina Coach
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How To Last Longer In Bed Without Pills or Sprays (Full Guide)
As a coach, I teach men the skills, exercises, and training techniques to last longer in bed. And today you’ll be learning the exact same methods I teach my private clients.
Together we’ll be following 10 steps to rapidly build your stamina. I’ll explain everything to you in detail (with pictures and diagrams) to help you quickly learn the techniques so you can last longer in bed yourself.
For this, you won’t need any drugs, sprays, creams, pills, or weird devices. Everything you need, you already have…
Because there’s only one way to truly learn how to last longer in bed and that’s to develop the skills of ejaculatory control yourself.
It’s not hard, and that’s what we’ll be working on next.
My Name’s Adam Vance, and I’m your new stamina coach. We’ve got a lot to cover, so let’s get to work.
Here’s what we’ll be working on today.
10 Steps To Last Longer In Bed
- Emergency methods to last longer now (Use these tonight)
- Controlling your trigger muscle (when this muscle is relaxed it’s impossible to ejaculate)
- Mental changes you need to make during intercourse
- Turnbacks and how to pull them off
- Last Longer Exercises (Important)
- How to make sex last longer with controlled breathing
- Stamina Kegels exercises (much better than standard Kegels)
- The best positions to make sex last longer
- The anti-distraction method (stop trying to distract yourself during sex – do this instead)
- How to last during hard pounding sex sessions (Advanced)
And that’s it. Follow these steps today and I promise you will last 20 minutes longer within 4 weeks.
How You Will Last Longer During Sex
This guide is based on my Stamina Coach training system, though everything I’ll walk you through today is 100% free.
1. Emergency Methods To Last Longer Tonight
Before we get to the more powerful methods and premature ejaculation exercises we’ll need to set you up with some quick tricks and techniques that will help you last longer tonight.
These emergency methods are designed to cool your system fast and bring you back from the point of no return.
Why you need instant cool-down techniques
- Last longer in bed instantly
- Prevent anxiety and panic by knowing you always have a fallback
- Great starting point before you learn the more powerful methods
We’ll be learning these methods first because it’s a great feeling knowing you have a stack of these up your sleeve.
The first emergency method is very simple. It’s called the PC roller. Use it as you feel like your arousal is rising but before you hit the PONR (point of no return)
Method 1 – The PC Roller
- Run your hands up your partner’s back (or side) for a count of 2 sexual motions
- Push your PC muscle out (this will actually de-flex it). This is one of your pelvic floor muscles.
- Switch to a grinding motion and make sure to rotate your hips in a circular motion. (you can slow it down but make sure not to stop moving)
- pubococcygeus muscle
Now when I say “circular motion” I don’t mean swirling your hips around like you’re trying to draw a big squiggly circle with your penis. Like this…
Method 2 – The Tongue Tickler
This one is very simple and requires you to do 3 things simultaneously.
- Run the tip of your tongue in a circular motion around the roof of your mouth
- Take long, deep and slow breaths – in for 12 seconds and out for 12 seconds
- Touch your partner’s hair and really focus on how it feels
This works by drawing your attention away from just your genital sensations.
These 2 methods are very simple for a beginner to use. But to take it up a notch with some of the more powerful techniques the Stamina Coach program contains 10 full instant cool-down methods that you can keep up your sleeve just in case.
2. How To Control Your Trigger Muscle
Let me tell you about your trigger muscle…
Everything we’ll be learning is connected to a single goal. To keep your trigger muscle relaxed or “de-flexed”. Because it’s this muscle that literally propels ejaculation, and with this muscle in a relaxed state it is physically impossible for you to orgasm or ejaculate.
It’s a single muscle within the PC muscle group. From here on in we’ll be calling this our trigger muscle (much easier to say than pubococcygeus muscle….. right?)
Unfortunately, our trigger muscle is one of the most difficult muscles to manually control. but it can be done with the right training.
Right now your trigger muscle has a mind of its own. it’s basically like a 2-year-old child. It does what it wants when it wants.
That’s why you have to teach it how to behave with targeted training.
This training builds up muscle memory, and once complete you will be able to relax this muscle on call. This is the key to preventing premature ejaculation and you will reach this level within 3 weeks of training.
How to control your trigger muscle
- Build muscle memory through targeted training
- Learn how to relax surrounding muscles
- Use mental tricks to instantly relax pelvic muscles
The training component is very specific so we can’t cover it in full here, but for those guys who complete the full Stamina Coach program, this will be a big step towards gaining total ejaculatory control.
By Adam Vance
Coach, Researcher, Author.
As a coach, I teach men the skills, exercises, and training techniques to last longer in bed. And today you’ll be learning the exact same methods I teach my private clients.
Together we’ll be following 10 steps to rapidly build your stamina. I’ll explain everything to you in detail (with pictures and diagrams) to help you quickly learn the techniques so you can last longer in bed yourself.
For this, you won’t need any drugs, sprays, creams, pills, or weird devices. Everything you need, you already have…
Because there’s only one way to truly learn how to last longer in bed and that’s to develop the skills of ejaculatory control yourself.
It’s not hard, and that’s what we’ll be working on next.
My Name’s Adam Vance, and I’m your new stamina coach. We’ve got a lot to cover, so let’s get to work.
Here’s what we’ll be working on today.
10 Steps To Last Longer In Bed
- Emergency methods to last longer now (Use these tonight)
- Controlling your trigger muscle (when this muscle is relaxed it’s impossible to ejaculate)
- Mental changes you need to make during intercourse
- Turnbacks and how to pull them off
- Last Longer Exercises (Important)
- How to make sex last longer with controlled breathing
- Stamina Kegels exercises (much better than standard Kegels)
- The best positions to make sex last longer
- The anti-distraction method (stop trying to distract yourself during sex – do this instead)
- How to last during hard pounding sex sessions (Advanced)
And that’s it. Follow these steps today and I promise you will last 20 minutes longer within 4 weeks.
How You Will Last Longer During Sex
This guide is based on my Stamina Coach training system, though everything I’ll walk you through today is 100% free.
1. Emergency Methods To Last Longer Tonight
Before we get to the more powerful methods and premature ejaculation exercises we’ll need to set you up with some quick tricks and techniques that will help you last longer tonight.
These emergency methods are designed to cool your system fast and bring you back from the point of no return.
Why you need instant cool-down techniques
- Last longer in bed instantly
- Prevent anxiety and panic by knowing you always have a fallback
- Great starting point before you learn the more powerful methods
We’ll be learning these methods first because it’s a great feeling knowing you have a stack of these up your sleeve.
The first emergency method is very simple. It’s called the PC roller. Use it as you feel like your arousal is rising but before you hit the PONR (point of no return)
Method 1 – The PC Roller
- Run your hands up your partner’s back (or side) for a count of 2 sexual motions
- Push your PC muscle out (this will actually de-flex it). This is one of your pelvic floor muscles.
- Switch to a grinding motion and make sure to rotate your hips in a circular motion. (you can slow it down but make sure not to stop moving)
- pubococcygeus muscle
Now when I say “circular motion” I don’t mean swirling your hips around like you’re trying to draw a big squiggly circle with your penis. Like this…
Method 2 – The Tongue Tickler
This one is very simple and requires you to do 3 things simultaneously.
- Run the tip of your tongue in a circular motion around the roof of your mouth
- Take long, deep and slow breaths – in for 12 seconds and out for 12 seconds
- Touch your partner’s hair and really focus on how it feels
This works by drawing your attention away from just your genital sensations.
These 2 methods are very simple for a beginner to use. But to take it up a notch with some of the more powerful techniques the Stamina Coach program contains 10 full instant cool-down methods that you can keep up your sleeve just in case.
2. How To Control Your Trigger Muscle
Let me tell you about your trigger muscle…
Everything we’ll be learning is connected to a single goal. To keep your trigger muscle relaxed or “de-flexed”. Because it’s this muscle that literally propels ejaculation, and with this muscle in a relaxed state it is physically impossible for you to orgasm or ejaculate.
It’s a single muscle within the PC muscle group. From here on in we’ll be calling this our trigger muscle (much easier to say than pubococcygeus muscle….. right?)
Unfortunately, our trigger muscle is one of the most difficult muscles to manually control. but it can be done with the right training.
Right now your trigger muscle has a mind of its own. it’s basically like a 2-year-old child. It does what it wants when it wants.
That’s why you have to teach it how to behave with targeted training.
This training builds up muscle memory, and once complete you will be able to relax this muscle on call. This is the key to preventing premature ejaculation and you will reach this level within 3 weeks of training.
How to control your trigger muscle
- Build muscle memory through targeted training
- Learn how to relax surrounding muscles
- Use mental tricks to instantly relax pelvic muscles
The training component is very specific so we can’t cover it in full here, but for those guys who complete the full Stamina Coach program, this will be a big step towards gaining total ejaculatory control.
3. Stop Your Thoughts, Anxieties, and Mindset Causing Premature Ejaculation
Since you’re a guy who struggles to last in bed it’s only natural to be feeling nervous, inadequate, or low on confidence going into sex. It’s a natural response to the temporary situation you’re in.
But this is not a part of you and it’s not something you’re stuck with. And here’s how we’re going to get on top of it.
To stop your thoughts, performance anxiety, and mindset causing you to ejaculate early we will do these 2 things.
Step 1 is to learn all the physical skills I cover on this page.
You see the best way to boost your mental confidence and avoid panic, is to learn and practice all the skills needed to last in bed. Once you have mastered these skills an aura of natural confidence will follow.
In fact, if you don’t have any of these skills, I’m sorry to say it but you have a good reason not to be confident walking your girl to the bedroom.
The 2nd part is to make changes to the way you approach sex and what you think about during it.
Here’s some stuff to get you started
Mental Changes To Last Longer During Sex
- Focus on your partner – Any time your mind starts to wander, panic or stress bring your focus immediately back to your partner.
- Don’t think of sex as something mystical. Think of it as an activity. One that just happens to feel great when done the right way.
- Women are not so different from us: They are not from a different planet and they have 99.9 percent of the same genes as you. You’re having sex with just another person with many of the same thoughts, fears, and emotions as you. Don’t forget this.
- Learn all of my emergency methods. There are 10 of these in the full program and knowing you have these up your sleeve is a great way to stop doubt and panic.
- Visualize sex as you riding a wave of pleasure, not as pressure building up inside until you burst (more on this soon)
- Don’t overthink – and never try to guess what your partner is thinking or start thinking up advance excuses should you ejaculate early. Focus on physical things happening right now. Touch, smell, feel.
- Lighten up – Remind yourself that It’s not the end of the world should you ejaculate early. Talk to your girl. make a joke.
- Know that you will improve – If you follow everything I layout for you today it is literally impossible for you not to increase your lasting time each time you have sex. It may feel like it’s hard at times, but you will get there.
And it’s that simple. Make these changes and you will last longer in bed.
4. Turnbacks
That moment when you start pulling off multiple turnbacks during sex is the point when this is all going to click together.
It’s the moment when you realize you are not stuck being below average in bed, and that this stuff really works. It will feel like you are taking back control.
What Are Turnbacks?
Turnbacks are when you feel your arousal rising towards the point of no return and are able to turn back to a controlled state during sex.
Once you make one turnback during sex. The chance of you lasting longer will actually increase dramatically. most guys don’t get this.
Let me explain…
Pressure cooking vs Surfing
Most guys think of themselves as if they were a pressure cooker during sex. Building up with pressure until… Boom. It’s all over.
You probably feel like this too, and it’s time to stop that thinking right now.
You see, lasting longer during sex isn’t about trying to keep your arousal as low as possible. It’s about learning to ride that wave of arousal.
You have to face the feeling of arousal, and learn to harness it. Not run from it. And I promise that if you follow everything we’ll work on here you’ll soon reach a stage where you have full control over it.
You’ll reach a level where you’ll push your arousal up on purpose and then at the perfect moment do a turn back move and feel your arousal subsiding. The more you do this, the more comfortable it will become, and before you know it the clock will have been ticking for 30 minutes plus.
So don’t forget…
You, my friend, have the mindset of a surfer riding that wave of pleasure and you are NOT some pressure cooker steaming away broccoli.
Got it. Cool.
Let’s move on…
5. Best Exercises To Help Men Last Longer In Bed
Don’t worry. I’m not going to get you to do any chin-ups or squats with a weight tied to your penis.
But this next section is important…
What we have covered up to here will have you lasting longer during sex without pills or sprays, but to start building some serious stamina you’ll need to do some targeted training exercises. And that’s what we’ll be working on next.
These stamina-building exercises are the motor driving the improved staying power you will experience.
Stamina Edging
The edging component of the Stamina Coach course helps men extend the plateau stage of intercourse. These are specific edging techniques that teach you to ride the wave of arousal instead of just whipping out after a few seconds.
Resistance Training
Almost all other guides on premature ejaculation teach you the traditional squeeze technique or the stop and start method. These were developed by sex researchers over 50 years ago. But through my research and one on one training, I have developed much more effective methods.
These are specific exercises that gradually add higher levels of sexual stimulation. You’ll start off with low levels of stimulation and build it up to levels of high stimulation that simulate that of real sex.
Stamina Kegel Exercises For Premature Ejaculation
A specifically designed Stamina Kegel exercise will also be a part of your training to last longer in bed. See below where I explain how to do these.
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